Getting Ready
Once you’ve purchased your Virtual Organizing package, follow the steps below to prepare for your first session.
Perhaps you’ve worked virtually before, but perhaps you haven’t. Either way, we’ll be working together to make your virtual organizing sessions comfortable and productive.
Step 1: Book your Discovery Session
Book your first session, the Discovery Session, by clicking this link. Please allow 90 minutes for this session. You can also book your follow-on Working Sessions by using this link but many clients prefer to wait until one session finishes before booking another. When scheduling your Working Sessions, please allow 60 minutes for each session.
Step 2: Install Zoom on your Smartphone
You’ll need Zoom installed on your phone. If you don’t already have Zoom installed, you can download it from either Google Play or the Apple App Store. It’s a free app. If you try to install Zoom and have problems, contact us and we’ll work through it together. If you’ve never used Zoom before, let us know. If you’d like, we can schedule a test session prior to your Discovery Session so you’re confident you know what to do when it’s time.
When you book your session, you’ll receive a Zoom link. Click on that link when it’s time for our meeting.
Step 3: Prepare for the meeting
It will be helpful to have as few interruptions as possible during your discovery session with Unjumbled. Please be prepared to have your pets and children busy with other things during our meeting time.
Making you comfortable during your sessions is our goal. Many clients find it helpful to have a bottle of water or cup of coffee/tea on hand to refresh yourself as we chat.
~ For your Discovery Session, we’ll begin by having you (and anyone else who is participating in your sessions) sitting in a relaxing setting for the first few minutes so we can go over what we’ll be doing in the session. After that, we’ll ask you to take us on a house tour via Zoom so we can see your spaces and what you’re dealing with. We appreciate you telling us about your rooms and systems that work well for and the ones that don’t.
~ For Working Sessions, please make sure you have a place to sit in the space we’ll be working in (a moveable chair often works best) so you can rest as needed.
Step 4: Join our meeting
Click on the Zoom meeting link you received when you scheduled your session. Be sure to enable video and audio. If you click on the meeting link before we’ve opened the meeting, just wait a bit – we’ll be there by the scheduled meeting time. If we’ve already opened the meeting, you’ll get in right away.
Please be on time for the start of our call. If you join late, we can’t guarantee that we’re able to extend the session past the originally scheduled end time.
Step 5: During our meeting
Typically sessions are recorded. This allows us to review what we talked about and revisit your space as we plan. These recordings are for Unjumbled’s use only and will not be shared with anyone. If you’re uncomfortable with the session being recorded, let us know prior to the session OR decline recording when prompted at the beginning of the Zoom meeting.
During the meeting, you will be asked to use your phone to show us the space we’ll be working on. Don’t worry if you’re not a great photographer – we’ll guide you through the process. We’ll discuss your goals, needs, concerns, and everything else needed to ensure we solve your organizing challenges.
When we’re done with the meeting, we’ll schedule your first Working Session.
Step 6: Planning
Within a few business days of your Discovery Session, Unjumbled will email you a Strategic Report that details the best path forward to meet your organizing goals. The report will also note what we’ll do in your Working Sessions and how long we expect it will take to reach your goals.
Have any questions?
Don’t hesitate to let us know. Life’s beautiful when it’s Unjumbled and you’re well on your way!