Virtual Organizing Life Tips

  • A lady's arms holding a pile of clothes with the words 'The Power of Piles' over the picture

    5 Tried-and-True Ways To Harness the Power of Piles

    The old saying "make a mess to clean up the mess" sounds counterintuitive, but it captures the essence of a key decluttering principle.

  • Picture of a hand pulling a piece of wood out of a Jenga stack

    The Best Way To Manage Your Stuff Is To Have Less Stuff To Manage

    Simplifying your life by having fewer things to manage can bring more peace into your household. Here are some ideas to help simplify life.

  • A dog and a cat are peeking out from under a blanket. The caption on the pictures says 'help us declutter!'

    Decluttering with Love: How to Organize Pet Supplies and Accessories

    Pets bring us so much joy and companionship, but sometimes they bring clutter too. Let's keep the pets and lose the clutter!

  • Brown bag background with the red words "No Junk Mail" written on top

    Ultimate Resources To Help You Opt Out Of Receiving Annoying Junk Mail

    One of the best ways to declutter is to not let clutter come into your home. These junk mail opt-out resources will help keep at least some of the clutter out.

  • Piggy bank sitting in the middle of coins with a heading saying Are Allowances A Good Idea?

    Money-Savvy Kids: 9 Pros and Cons of Giving An Allowance to Children

    Teaching your child money management skills and how to help around the house is critical. But do you need to pay an allowance to do that?

  • A two-year old boy dressed in a sailor suit is holding on to a ship steering wheel with the caption 'Why your kids don't want it'

    Why Your Kids Don’t Want What You’re Trying To Pass On To Them

    When your child doesn't want something you've saved for them, they're not rejecting you, they're rejecting an object. Here are some reasons why they might not want what you've saved.