Alexa and You: Organizing Life

Alexa and You: Organizing Life

Alexa may be just the gal you need to help organize your life. Most Alexa users put her to good use by playing music, turning lights on and off, and answering random questions, but she can do much more. Yes, even more than making you smile with the joke of the day.

Listening to Alexa's Joke of the Day

Alexa Can Keep YOU On Track

It’s hard to keep up with everything because there’s so much everything and little of you. Some ways that Alexa can help are:

We’ve talked about tackling your junk drawer and keeping organized. Spending 1-3 minutes de-cluttering a fourth of your junk drawer each week means you’ll go through the whole drawer in a month. But who can remember to do that? Alexa can! Set a Reminder for the same time every week when you expect to be near the junk drawer for Alexa to tell you to start purging. Maybe that time is while you’re making Monday night dinner. You can purge the drawer before dinner, after dinner, or while you’re stirring a pot of soup.

Cleaning to music that Alexa plays

Do you tell yourself you’re going to clean the house the first thing Saturday mornings but you never get started? Set a Reminder telling Alexa to play your favorite, upbeat music every Saturday at 9 a.m. Once “Uptown Funk” starts, your blood will begin pumping and your brain will associate that music with cleaning. Less thinking; more cleaning.

Do you frequently forget what you’re supposed to buy at the grocery store? Alexa can help! Every time you think of something you need, tell her to add it to your grocery list. When you’re at the grocery store, check the app on your phone to see the list. No more forgetting that all-important ketchup.

You mean to pay the bills but it’s such a bore you never get around to it. Alexa can’t make bill paying more exciting but she can help you start and stay on task. Pick a time each week or month to pay bills and set a Reminder for Alexa to tell you 10 minutes before it’s time to start as well as when it’s start time. Also set a Reminder for her to ask “Are you still paying bills?” 10 or 15 minutes after you’ve begun to ensure you’re staying on task. Unjumbled also offers Body Doubling services if you need more accountability than Alexa can provide.

Alexa Can Keep YOUR KIDS On Track

Alexa isn’t just for grown-ups–your kids can benefit from her help too.

Are your kids good at sharing? Sharing germs, that is. Set a Reminder for Alexa to say “Time to wash your hands!” every 30 minutes so the kids head off to wash away the germs that keep colds, pink eye, and other nasty stuff floating through your household.

Does it seem like your gang is always arriving late to appointments? Tell Alexa to announce, “10 minutes until we leave”, “5 minutes until we leave”, and “Time to leave!”. (Pro tip: Set each reminder 5-10 minutes earlier than needed in order to build in some buffer.)

Kids will be sweeter about picking up the playroom when you make a game out of it. Tell Alexa to announce the game 10 minutes and 5 minutes before it starts. When it’s game time, she should say “Time to play our game!”. It’s important to rotate through games to keep things fresh. An example of a fun game is “Red Light, Green Light’. When Alexa says “Green light”, the kids begin picking up and can’t stop until she says, “Red Light”. If you need help thinking of other games to get your children engaged, contact Unjumbled.

Are you potty training a little one? Set a Reminder for Alexa to say “Potty time!” at whatever interval you want your little one to head to the training potty.

teddy bear sitting on training potty

Inspired Unjumbling

Accountability is a great way to remind, inspire, and encourage you to do all the things that need to get done. Alexa is nonjudgmental, cheerful, and super helpful. So is Unjumbled! If Alexa can take care of unjumbling everything for you, great. If not, it’s time to contact Unjumbled.

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