Time To Call A Lifeline
Time To Call A Lifeline
You’ve tried to declutter and get organized. Maybe you’ve tried many times. You haven’t succeeded yet, so should you give up? Definitely not! It’s time to try Plan B and then Plan C if that fails.
Plan B – Friends & Family
If you’re not reaching your goals as your own strategist, accountability partner, and cheerleader, why not look to friends and family for support? Let’s say your friend Penny has encouraged you for years to follow through on your desire to declutter. Penny may be a good candidate to help you by:
Body doubling – Having Penny in the room while you work is a great way to help keep you on task and give you a little extra energy to declutter and organize. Penny can give you a hand or just be there reading a book to serve as an anchor to keep you focused.
Trading jobs – Make a deal with Penny that if she helps you declutter, you’ll help her weed—a job she dreads. If you’re both behind on laundry, do laundry at your house one day and at Penny’s on another. Unpleasant jobs become more pleasant when we do them with friends.
Accountability – There are several ways Penny can help with this. She may call or text you every few hours to see how things are going, or she may check in at the end of each week to see what you did that week. Letting Penny know what you plan to accomplish requires you to be specific and hear yourself saying the words which strengthens your plan.
Sorting – If you have mounds of paperwork to go through, Penny can open envelopes and sort the various types of paperwork into piles so you can quickly deal with them.
Plan C – Professional Organizer
What if you don’t have friends and family you’d be comfortable asking for help? Perhaps you’re embarrassed about the mess they’ll see. Or maybe you’re afraid you’ll be pushed to make decisions you won’t be happy with.
Call a professional organizer for a whole new level of assistance to achieve your organizational goals. What can a professional organizer do that you and Penny can’t? You might be surprised!
Coaching – A professional organizer has experience providing a world of tips and techniques that benefit every personality type. We also have the heart of a teacher to help you get organized and teach you how to stay that way.
A new set of eyes – Professional organizers can suggest changes to your home layout and the processes you use in your home. The result is significantly better flow and feel in your home and life.
Body doubling – Hey, if Penny can do it, so can a professional organizer. We also provide helpful tips when you hit something you don’t know how to handle.
Resources – Professional organizers have a wealth of information about resources you need, such as what to do with the clutter when it leaves your home, donation versus sell decisions, what organizing supplies to buy, where to start, how to get your family involved, and more.
Helping your spouse and children get on board – Your spouse may not appreciate Penny making suggestions on how they should handle their clutter, but the advice is usually greeted with more respect when given by a professional. A professional organizer knows how to present the information in a way that will actually be heard by your spouse and children.
Don’t be shy about reaching out! We all need a lifeline sometimes.
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