Tips To Organize 5 Different Types Of Closets In Your Home

Tips To Organize 5 Different Types Of Closets In Your Home

Google “closet organization” to see many links to places selling you pricey closet organizer systems. While some closets may benefit from more bars, shelves, and drawers, most closets can be improved without spending a dime.

The golden rule of organizing

An organizing truism says 95% of organizing is decluttering. People look for the best organizing products, watch videos on how to stack and fold things more efficiently or follow various social media gurus. These may have a place in your organizing journey, but not until you’ve done what you’re trying to avoid—decluttering.

Define Your Closet

It may seem obvious what a closet is for. It is supposed to hold things—usually clothes—and have doors or curtains to hide everything. Maybe, but you can do better. Stop and think about the purpose of each closet, and then don’t exceed that purpose.

4 garments hanging in a closet

Primary bedroom closet

This closet is a great place for clothing, but it’s not uncommon to find costumes, toys, paperwork, boxes of material from previous jobs, curtain hardware, pet supplies, and more here. I suggest limiting this closet to clothing and possibly memorabilia. Keep only a reasonable amount of memorabilia in one or two bins as long as you have room. Be picky. Remember, if everything is special, then nothing is special.

Guest bedroom closet

If you don’t have guests frequently, this can be a great space to store off-season clothing. If you do have frequent guests, it is still a great space to store off-season clothing. Guests typically aren’t staying for months, so they don’t need all the space. Reserve half for guests and use the remaining half for off-season clothing.

Front closet

This closet works well for outwear (coats, boots, hats, gloves, umbrellas, sunglasses, etc.) But use only half to two-thirds of the space to leave room for guests. (If guests put their coats and outerwear elsewhere, you can use two-thirds to three-quarters of this closet.) Don’t let this closet become a dumping ground for sports equipment, games, broken toys, or anything besides outwear.

Linen closet

Most linen closets are too narrow or deep to be ideal. If you have a less-than-ideal linen closet, use it for either linens or first aid/health and beauty items. Don’t try to do both.

Pantry closet

Consider kitchen cupboards and the pantry together. Put the most frequently used items in cupboards and less frequently used items in the pantry. Don’t overload the pantry with bulk items and overflow. If you can’t easily see into the pantry and reach what you want, your pantry isn’t working well.

woman packing up shoes in a closet

Editing Your Closet

Instead of thinking of decluttering your closets, think of editing them. Both require purging what you no longer need, but editing conveys that you’re making changes that better suit you.

Primary Bedroom Closet

Consider how your style, body shape, and favorite colors have changed over time. Edit out what no longer suits you. It doesn’t matter what they cost, how often you wore them, or how much you love them. If they don’t suit you any longer, let them go.

Guest Bedroom Closet

If you have items in here that you never pull out, you can let them go.

Front Closet

It’s reasonable to have different types of coats for different weather, but why do you need more than two jackets and two heavier coats per person? And those mittens and gloves without mates? Bye-bye.

Linen Closet

When one piece of a sheet or towel set goes missing or becomes stained, it can feel hard to discard the set but that’s what you should do. (Animal shelters love receiving cast-off towels.) Usually, two sets of sheets (per bed) and towels (per person) is sufficient.

Pantry Closet

Like clothing, your tastes change. Edit the food that no longer suits you because you don’t like it, the rest of your family doesn’t like it, it’s expired, or you are cooking different kinds of meals these days.

Merchandising Your Closet

Stores merchandise clothes to look appealing to clients and help them easily find what they’re looking for. Why not do the same in your closets?

Primary Bedroom Closet

~ Don’t fill bars, shelves, and drawers more than two-thirds to three-quarters full

~ Consider organizing clothes by colors. Grouping clothes loosely by white, black, gray, blue, green, red, and yellow/orange can speed up finding clothes and putting them away.

Guest Bedroom Closet

Not packing this closet full will be much more appealing whether it’s a guest using it or you.

Front Closet

Use a separate basket or bin for outwear accessories such as gloves, hats, sunglasses, etc., to make it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Linen Closet

Fold and place sheet sets in one of the pillowcases. You’ll never have to search for all the pieces again.

Pantry Closet

Don’t put too much on shelves, keep similar things together, and put taller packaging toward the back to more easily find what you’re looking for and put away food.

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